Tuk Meric – Cambodian Pepper Sauce     

Tuk Meric – Cambodian Lime and Black Pepper Dipping Sauce

One of the most simple yet delicious and versatile sauces. It is nothing more than fresh lime juice blended with ground Kampot pepper with a bit of sugar and salt. (Prep time:  2  minutes)


  • 2 teaspoons freshly ground Kampot Pepper (black, red or white depending on your dish)
  • ½ teaspoon Kampot Sea Salt
  • ½ teaspoon sugar raw sugar
  • 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lime juice


  1. Mix the four ingredients in a small shallow dish and use as desired.

Author’s note:I have made a number of delightful sauce variations using Tuk Meric as the base. I was once preparing a pork tenderloin dish for friends and had an extra apple on the counter. I thought, hmmm ... why not make some applesauce. I put them together and it was one of those OMG moments.  Try this with wild salmon or any fish really. Crush fresh blueberries and mango (purée if you want a smooth texture but I prefer to mash them in a bowl as it is more like a fruit/berry salsa and it is, to me, more visually appealing). Mix  in the Tuk Meric to taste. It is just delicious.