Social Purpose   

'Best Pepper Ever' is a social purpose brand created to build a community-based, Fair Trade distribution system for Kampot Pepper - the best pepper in the world. The brand works with a collective of over 400 small Cambodian Kampot Pepper farmers. Social purpose goes beyond Fair Trade and we are committed to embedding social purpose into every aspect of our operations: From fair farm gate prices to the small growers to employing local Khmer artisans to create culturally relevant packaging, from working with local social enterprise packagers in Vancouver, Canada to paying living wages across the board, from a commitment to a low carbon footprint to developing training and educational opportunities for undeserved and marginalized individuals and communities. Together we can make a difference.

If 1/10th of one percent of pepper consumers chose Kampot Pepper as their tabletop choice we can fund 50 million meals a year.

Citizen consumers are empowered individuals who take control of their buying. In purchasing local, shopping organic, or buying products related to causes, citizen consumers make choices at the checkout counter — just like at the voting booth — that carry lasting implications for themselves, their communities, and the world at large. 

Simply put, people want to do good by buying. But don’t take my word for it. A recently released study by cause marketing firm Cone LLC announced that an astounding 94 percent of consumers would switch brands (Huffington Post)

Last year 25% of the smallest growers (under 1/3 acre) abandoned the pepper business due to oversupply as the larger growers are no longer purchasing their pepper but growing their own crops and buying up the farms. COVID-19 has exacerbated the situation and they can't get their product to market during the pandemic. Buy Kampot Pepper today and enjoy the best pepper in the world, save an ancient farming system that is in jeopardy and help feed kids. Thank you.