Ways to help.

Food Banks can deliver up to ten meals for every dollar they receive.

There is real power in social purchasing. Here are some ways you can help:
  1. Buy Fair Trade Kampot Salt and Pepper.
  2. Tell your friends and family or better yet use these wonderful products and share a meal.
  3. Tell your colleagues and share our story with your social media network.
  4. Contact your human resources department and ask to make mention of this campaign in the company’s or organization’s internal and public facing communications.
  5. Six degrees of separation – we are looking for celebrity endorsements – wouldn’t it be fun to test out this six degrees of separation idea? Do you know any celebrities that could endorse this project?
  6. Ask your favourite restaurant to start buying Kampot Pepper.
  7. If you are a ‘foodie’ – please buy Kampot Pepper and help spread the word.
  8. Do you have any ideas that could help us ‘spread the word’? Please share them with us.
  9. Book a ‘Lunch & Learn’ presentation. We can come to your office or book a compelling Webinar.
  10. VOLUNTEER – Please email us about volunteer opportunities.

Thank You.

Photo Credit: Ksenia Chernay
